Defeating Temptation: 10 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Tempted to Buy
Written by admin on March 18, 2009 – 7:24 pm - 2,611 viewsThe simplest way to save more money is to avoid buying things that you do not need. This is easier said than done – humans are creatures of emotion – the impulse to achieve gratification by getting something we want immdiately is very strong.
When we see a new mobile phone, MP3 player or other gadget on TV, you can’t help get excited by its novelty and appeal. It is a known fact that people who are hungry spend more money when they are out shopping compared to people who are full.
This article on Get Rich Slowly explains how to prevent yourself buying on impulse by asking yourself 10 objective questions to ensure that you are buying a product or service for the right reasons:
Tags: impulse buying
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